Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Taliesin - Spring Green

Yow! It's been awhile since I've posted! Much of my time lately has been spent at the Weller Store getting ready to re-open for the season. We've added a new and very fun room - The Junque Shoppe at Wellers - and "The Mayor" has been clearing out yet another room so we can expand even further. Weller's season officially begins the Friday of Memorial Weekend when we will be open 7 days-a-week. In the meantime, you can give us a call if you'd like a preview. We're always happy to open the store especially for you at any time. See the website for contact information. www.wellerstore.com

There are still a lot of pictures from Stephanie's visit to share with you. Here are several from Spring Green in Dodge County - featuring Taliesin, the home of architect Frank Lloyd Wright as well as some of his other creations in the area. The home was not yet open for the season so we were unable to reserve space on a tour. :-(

You can take a peek at the Taliesin Estate HERE.


  1. good morning~!~

    sounds like life has been busy for you and is going to remain that way for a while~!~

    love the photos that you have shared ~ to bad that you didn't get to book a tour . . . maybe another time . . .

    take care.


  2. Hi Eileen!

    Can you email me your address? When you sent it to me on my blog, I didn't want to post it on a public forum so I saved it, or so I thought. When I went back for it, it was deleted somehow.

    My email address is: vwatson@gmail.com

    Thanks so much!
    Miss V

  3. Looks very interesting. We've vacationed in Wisconsin a few times and LOVED it. May have to keep this in mind if we ever return.

  4. I'm a huge FLW fan. I enjoyed seeing your pictures of Taliesin. Thanks for the link too! Twyla

  5. Ye've left a glimmer still to cheer
    The man, the artifex

    That holds in spite of waste and slip
    And by that light, now mark my words
    We'll build the perfect ship

    -Rudyard Kipling, paraphrased by Wright
