The Rural Historical Society Board was so sorry to learn of the death of Eddie Huntoon, one of our long time members and a true son of Rural. Eddie had a long, productive and eventful life. He contributed a great deal to both the Rural Historical Society and the community. Our deepest sympathy to his wife, Ruby, and their family.
At one time Eddie wrote an article about "The Crystal and Rural". As you may know, water was one of Eddie's greatest interests. In the article he wrote, "Rural has many springs in the area for an easy supply of safe drinking water, (which) was very important in a frontier village. Bathing and laundry in summer was very easy. But the key item was plenty of good, clean, fresh water for the thirsty teams of horses pulling the stage coaches and wagons as they entered Rural. ...Rural...a friendly, safe village, built on a dry, sandy, well-drained area, with some of the best fresh water in the country. The meaning of "Rural" most likely is "avery special place with fresh, clean ground water every day."
A copy of the full article is available at the Rural Historical Society headquarters.
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